We are New Zealand’s most experienced global parking professionals.
With a combined 40+ years in the parking industry, Premium Parking is a unique and specialised parking company, delivering “best in class” technology and outstanding customer service to their clients.
Who we are.
Our role is to seek to understand, uncover and solve long term and day to day parking challenges for our clients, providing best in class, bespoke and independent solutions. We are not aligned to any single vendor or technology and provide our clients with the best fit-for-purpose solution.
Our goal is to provide solutions, not sell products.
Premium Parking provides a continued service to our clients, constantly reviewing, identifying, and deploying new technology to support our client’s revenue drivers and end goals.
Essentially, we can aggregate all services and vendors and offer our clients one contract to negotiate and manage, one statement to reconcile and more importantly one point of contact for all parking related matters, all while being 100% aligned to our clients’ overall drivers and purpose.
Premium Parking will not only focus on revenue, but keenly take into consideration any other drivers which may include sustainability and equitability, as well as a focus on reducing costs, while delivering an improved customer experience by offering the latest parking technology from around the world to ensure a seamless experience of parking for your users.
Premium Parking is truly unique in our offering as being the only organisation with the ability to deliver a truly custom solution while delivering best in class technology from around the globe from multiple specialist parking technology vendors and suppliers.
We are 100% contestable, without any alignments to any one single vendor. This allows us the freedom to move, add or swap out any technology or system component, which single vendor contracts do not allow you to do.
We are an extension of your team.
Unlike traditional operators that focus purely on growing revenue, Premium Parking are actual team members, as well as subject matter experts who can offer the best of both worlds. We offer competitive management fees, while being 100% aligned and driven by the same goals as our clients, such as sustainability, equity and carbon emission reductions.
We make it easy.
Regardless of the number of components, Premium Parking can bring all this together in a single aggregated and integrated solution ensuring our clients deal with one vendor (us) to manage all parking requirements, one contract to negotiate and manage, one statement to reconcile, and more importantly one number to call (ours).

We are not aligned to any vendor or product.
We are completely independent.
Solutions focused, not product focused.
Contact Us
PO Box 42022, Orakei